“Don’t Leave, Please Go is the essential how-to guide for parents who are torn between being happy that their kids are becoming independent young adults, and being sad that their babies are leaving them. Sara Dimerman helps to navigate the rough terrain in between with kindness, patience and tough love, when necessary. Prepare to have some laughs and shed some tears along the way!”
- Barb DiGiulio
Host - The Nightside – Newstalk 1010 Radio & Mom
"Just wanted you to know that I LOVED your book. It was so informative and helpful, and so expertly written. Thanks so much for all that you do."
- Andrea Howarth
Parent and teacher
“I’m so happy Sara wrote this book in time for my daughter leaving for university. It was just what we needed!”
- Jennifer Valentyne
TV and Radio Personality & Mom
“As the parent of a teen about to head off to university, I found this book to be a helpful resource. The emotional roller-coaster that both Sara Dimerman and her daughter experienced felt real and allowed me to consider aspects of college life that I otherwise may not have considered. From the transitions between home and school, to the academic demands on the children, and the emotional toll that the social aspect of residence can present, I feel much more prepared for the potential challenges that await. I shared and discussed several sections with my son, and he read the ending that Chloe wrote and he found her words insightful. We also really appreciated the packing list that was included in the appendix. That will absolutely come in handy. I will definitely recommend this book to my friends who are at the same stage of parenting as I am.”
- Maxelle Yablon
Educator & Mom
“Sara Dimerman uses her expertise both as a psychologist and mother in such a powerful way. She offers a deeply candid and courageous month-by-month account of her experience with her own daughter in her first year of university. Her book transcends the limitations of a typical advice book, and offers, instead, a guided road map for a healthier transition. It should definitely be on the top of every Grade 12 student's family reading list. When the film’s made, I think Meryl Streep should play the mom, Brie Larson the daughter, and Stan Tucci could be a Grade 12 English Creative Writing teacher!”
- Domenico Capilongo
High School English Teacher/Teacher Librarian & Dad
"Sara Dimerman takes readers with her on a very personal journey as she journals her way through her daughter’s often bumpy, but very relatable, first year away at university. Sara has packed this book with helpful advice for all. With time-synched pointers about what to expect from the final months of Grade 12 to dorm drop-off, through packing up again for summer break, this book reminded me of the wildly popular “What to Expect When You’re Expecting ...” series for first-time parents – only it’s now 18 years later and university-style. A funny, sage and inspirational must-read!"
- Janyce Lastman
Education Consultant and Case Manager: The Tutor Group - and proud Mom of a university graduate